Friday, June 13, 2008

It's been some time

So, I got an e-mail offering me $50 for this address since I hadn't updated it in eons. It could have been a scam, but I needed it to get my butt motivated to blog again! I was like, oh no dude, Jbyrdie's Nest is mine!! I stopped blogging for a long time because my old computer was moving so slow. But now that I have a new one and have actually settled down in a place to live, I'm out of excuses.

Well, very sad news today. Tim Russert died. I used to love watching Meet the Press. I kind of stopped for a while when I got disenchanted with politics but I always thought Tim was great. Of course the first thing that came to my mind when I heard the news was that his death was probably a heart attack and must have had something to do with the stress of the news business. One of my friends pointed out that it also probably had a lot to do with all the medium rare steaks! Everyone has stress in their jobs. It's just so important to let it not be all consuming. But at least Tim seemed to LOVE what he did. So, RIP, Tim Russert.

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