Monday, May 14, 2007


Driving across Utah from Vegas
In Colorado on I-70

Madinah and Dan outside the Air Force Academy Visitor's Center
Madinah and I in Colorado Springs
Madinah and Dan with the Air Force Academy Chapel in the background.
Inside the chapel. It was very modern--kind of seemed like I was inside a space ship.
The Chapel
New Life Church, where Ted Haggard was senior pastor before his downfall.
Pike's Peak (with a storm brewing around it.)
Fun in Lawrence! Heidi and her friends at the biker bar!
Anton with the jingling Ike!
Ike has all kinds of costumes.


John and I at Red Rocks
John with his dogs Dubbes and Blueberry. They were the cutest dogs ever!
I totally wanted to get this as my Hoover Dam souvenier. Who wouldn't want a ring-tailed cat plush toy?
Statute at Hoover Dam.
The Chihuly ceiling at the Bellagio

Thursday, May 03, 2007

California, Day Two

Does anyone know what this plant is? I think it looks like the plant from "Litte Shop of Horrors." Feed me Seymour!!!
Crossing the Golden Gate bridge.


I kept humming the theme song from the O.C. today. Such a catchy tune. The California coast line is bee-a-ut-iful!!! I drove curvy Highway 1 for hours. I'm staying tonight in Petaluma, which is a little north of San Francisco.
Sunset as I was getting closer to San Francisco.
Who knew my high school had a pier named after it?
Aka: Highway 1
Look at the size of the lumberjack compared to the truck! At the Trees of Mystery place.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Can I PLEASE get my own gas?

So, a really weird fact: You can't get your own gas in Oregon. A gas attendant comes up, takes your credit card, swipes it in the machine while you wait in the car or go into the convenience store. I was amused by this at first. The gas attendants were nice and it seemed like an "only in Oregon" type of thing. But it started to really anger me after a while. First of all, I just think it's weird. Second, why can't I get my own freakin' gas? I was getting ready to leave the state today. Figured gas would probably be cheaper in Oregon than California. I pull up to the station and get out -- like normal. I get my credit card out, ready to swipe it in the machine. "I'll be there in just a minute miss!" a rough voice yells. An old man is staring me down. OK, this is no longer cute. Why can't I get my own freaking gas? Turns out, it's against the law. It's also against the law in New Jersey, but I've never tried to get gas there. Strange. Very strange.

The beautiful Oregon coast.

Oregon sand dunes

This was from when I left Washington state two days ago.
You can kind of see the bottom of Mt. St. Helens (darn clouds...)