Saturday, July 28, 2007

Move to Chicago

I just moved to Chicago. So far, so good. I'm renting a condo in the South Loop. It's a pretty good location that's seen a lot of changes over the past few years. Chicago Magazine had some good stories on the area in June. I'm about four blocks east of Lake Michigan and the museum campus (see map.) Oh, and Soldier Field is super close, so maybe I can go see a game when it's not freezing!

Here are some pics of my new place:

The balcony.
The view from my balcony. You can kind of see the Lake (but it's kind of hard to see.)


Unknown said...

Looks very nice. The layout is a bit like my apartment. Only I think mine is smaller. So how is life in Chicago?

jbyrdie said...

Good, good. I can hear Lolapalooza out on my balcony right now :-)

Stork on Strike! said...

That's a dang snazzy place! I gotta book me a ticket to come see you! :-)