Friday, October 14, 2005

Harriet Miers

OK, I don't have a real strong opinion on whether Harriet Miers should be confirmed or not, but what I do see is intellectual snobbery running amuck. She didn't go to Harvard. OH NO!!! There's no way a person who worked hard, didn't have thousands of dollars to spend on an Ivy league education, and showed up for work every day could EVER become a Supreme Court justice. Ninety percent of this country did not go to an Ivy League school. Should people who didn't go to one of these schools not be represented in government? SMU is not that shabby of a place. She has done well. She is obviously smart. She wouldn't be in the position she is now in if she was not gifted. Yes, being a Supreme Court justice is one of the most intellectually-challenging positions in the country. But, why can't someone who's not part of the "Ivy League gang" be one? It might be good to have someone "normal" on the Supreme Court. The founders never said anything about going to a particular school in setting prerequisites for our leaders. Abraham Lincoln never even went to college.

I look forward to her confirmation hearings. I think she'll impress (and surprise) several of the intellectual snobs.

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