So, a really weird fact: You can't get your own gas in Oregon. A gas attendant comes up, takes your credit card, swipes it in the machine while you wait in the car or go into the convenience store. I was amused by this at first. The gas attendants were nice and it seemed like an "only in Oregon" type of thing. But it started to really anger me after a while. First of all, I just think it's weird. Second, why can't I get my own
freakin' gas? I was getting ready to leave the state today. Figured gas would probably be cheaper in Oregon than California. I pull up to the station and get out -- like normal. I get my credit card out, ready to swipe it in the machine. "I'll be there in just a minute miss!" a rough voice yells. An old man is staring me down. OK, this is no longer cute. Why can't I get my own freaking gas? Turns out,
it's against the law. It's also against the law in New Jersey, but I've never tried to get gas there. Strange. Very strange.

The beautiful Oregon coast.

Oregon sand dunes

This was from when I left Washington state two days ago.

You can kind of see the bottom of Mt. St.
Helens (darn clouds...)
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