OK, here it is. I finally went out and took a picture of the mountains south of Helena. Proof of snow. It's actually been really nice this week, so most of the snow has melted. But a couple of weeks ago it was everywhere. I have to drive back and forth between Butte this week to cover a meeting, so I really have my fingers crossed that a blizzard doesn't decide to pop up. I don't have "chains" or “studs” for my car tires yet. I'm kind of wondering if I even need them. I guess I'll need to figure that out soon.
Watching the New Orleans-Atlanta game on Monday Night football now. Somebody (hint, hint--not me) needs to do a study on this. The role of football/the Saints/Superdome in the recovery of New Orleans. Sports and society is such an interesting topic (yes, I know, I'm still talking about it even after my disastrous thesis experience.) I just keep hearing all kinds of interesting things that I think would make a good paper.
Yey! Snow!!!
Did you say something about a paper? ARE YOU CRAZY?! Stop that!
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