Here's a little quiz Y tagged me for:
2 moments in your life you'd like to erase:
1. Falling during the Wyoming State of the State address in front of Iraq war veterans.
2. I'm sure there are many, many more. I just try really hard to block moments like that out and now I can't remember any.
4 moments you'd like to relive:
1. MU-KU football game my first year of grad school. It was awesome.
2. Hanging out with Emily, Shannon, Ia, Cassandra and Luke at SMS.
3. Going to the White House press room.
4. Partying with friends in Kansas.
2 places you wouldn't go to/go to again:
1. The transient motel I stayed at in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Actually all of Cheyenne, Wyoming, period.
2. Lambert's in Ozark. My stomach would be upset for days.
4 places you can't wait to visit/visit again:
1. London. I've got to spend more time in the British Museum and Westminster Abbey.
2. The Louvre. Each time I went the line was too long to get in.
3. Aruba. Hopefully I won't get abducted.
4. Lawrence. Rock Chalk!!!
2 foods you can't stand:
1. This is a hard one. I basically like everything. Funnel cakes (they're so sugary they give me headaches.)
2. Dark meat chicken. Uck.
4 foods you love:
1. Strawberries.
2. Indian food. Any of it.
3. Andy's frozen custard
4. Seafood (salmon, shrimp and crab are at the top of the list)
2 songs that make you change the station:
1."Honky Tonk Badonkadonk." Yes, I'm in the country now.
2. "Shake your bon bon"
4 songs you play over and over:
1. "I Like the Way" by Bodyrockers. It makes me want to dance.
2. "Ruby Blue" by Roisin Murphy.
3. "Proud Mary" by Tina Turner. Also makes me want to dance.
4. "When the Stars go Blue" by Tim McGraw.
2 books you'd never finish/read again:
1. Most of the books I had to read for grad school. That's more than 2.
4 books you have read more than once, and/or will read again:
1. Pride and Prejudice.
2. To Kill a Mockingbird.
3. Catch 22.
4. America the book. Hilarious.
I'm supposed to tag someone: that you're done at KU I know you have the time for this!!!